Solutions Modernize the Identity Experience for Your Customers and Employees

Modernize the Identity Experience for Your Customers and Employees

Make User Access More Convenient and Secure

Improve the user experience for your workforce and customers while stopping credential-based attacks and identity fraud.


Frictionless Authentication


Automated, Fit-for Purpose Verification


Unified, Consistent Experience

Challenges to a Good User Experience

Organizations looking to improve the identity experience for their users face considerable hurdles, including:

  • Authentication Friction: Nearly two-thirds of companies cite challenges with user experience as a major pain point in their authentication processes, leading to employee frustration and potential customer abandonment
  • Account Recovery: Enabling users to recover their accounts securely in case of forgotten passwords or compromised credentials without introducing vulnerabilities is challenging
  • Continuous Authentication: Implementing continuous authentication mechanisms to monitor and adapt to user behavior in real-time without causing interruptions in the user experience poses a significant challenge
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meeting regulatory requirements such as PCI DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, CISA can add complexity to the user experience
  • Fragmented Systems: Siloed identity processes create inconsistent and duplicative authentication and verification flows

Modernize the Identity Experience for All Your Users

Empower your customers and your entire workforce with comprehensive, frictionless Identity Assurance from HYPR.

Improve Customer Engagement and Satisfaction

Give your customers the fast, easy digital experience they demand.

  • Simplify multi-factor authentication into a single user action
  • Streamline and automate your identity verification processes
  • Support customer choice with a variety of FIDO authentication options
  • Make account recovery easy and secure
  • Ensure a consistent user experience across different devices and platforms

Boost Workforce Productivity and Decrease Frustration

Empower your employees and partners with identity security that works the way they do.
  • Provide fast, secure access to systems and resources with phishing-resistant login that’s 3x faster than legacy methods
  • Unify the login process across systems and downstream apps
  • Automate identity verification that begins with initial contact and seamlessly integrates into your existing security ecosystem  and help desk workflows
  • Reduce account lockout and cut password reset tickets by 95%
  • Optimize the user experience by providing the right level of authentication security, every time

Employ Fit-for-Purpose Identity Processes

Identity is not one-size-fits-all. Build right-level authentication and verification flows based on user and situational risk.

  • Continuously assesses user behavior and environmental signals from a broad and diverse set of sources
  • Drive real time response, including step-up authentication and re-verification based on risk
  • Create user-optimized verification journeys for your real-world scenarios, from credential resets to employee onboarding
  • Ensure identity processes align with security and data privacy regulations

Empower Your Developer, IT and Security Teams

  • Accelerate development with an easy to use SDK
  • Rapidly build passkey support into apps with HYPR FIDO2 API and servers
  • Integrate with your current systems, IdPs, SSOs and applications to unify authentication across the business
  • Unify siloed identity systems and give security teams end-to-end visibility and control.

Companies Modernizing Their User Experience With HYPR

    Brian Heemsoth
    True Passwordless Security provides not only an ability for me to help drive a strategic vision that addresses security and fraud risk for my enterprise, it also helps me drive a vision, meet the digital engagement goals, and provide users and our customers with a better experience
    Brian Heemsoth
    Former Executive Director of Global Security, CVS Health
    Learn More
    Damien Mullan
    The ability to deliver strong passwordless authentication to our customer base is critical to our vision for a secure digital health experience. HYPR has empowered us to realize that vision at scale.
    Damien Mullan
    IT Manager, Vhi Healthcare
    Learn More

Request a Demo

Experience passwordless MFA that secures and empowers your business. See what identity verification built for the workforce looks like. Learn how comprehensive Identity Assurance protects the entire identity lifecycle.

Fill out the form to get a demo from an identity security expert, customized around your organization’s environment and needs.